8 research outputs found

    Relationship between Mathematical Parameters of Modified Van der Pol Oscillator Model and ECG Morphological Features

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    The mathematical model describes the electrical and mechanical activity of the cardiac conduction system thought set of differential equations. By changing the value of parameters included in these equations, it is possible to change the amplitude and the period of ECG waves. Although this model is a powerful tool for modeling the electrical activity of the heart, its use is often limited to those familiar with the differential equations that describe the system. The purpose of this work is to provide a system that allows generating an ECG signal using Ryzhii model without knowing the details of differential equations. First, we provide the relationships between the ECG wave features and the model parameters; then we generalize them through fitting neural networks. Finally, putting in series fitting neural network and heart model, we provide a system that allows generating a synthetic signal by setting as input only the morphological ECG feature. We computed numerical simulation in Simulink environment and implemented the fitting neural networks in Matlab. Results show that non-linear trends characterize the correlation functions between ECG morphological features and model parameters and that the fitting neural networks can generalized this trend by providing the model parameters given in input the respectively ECG feature

    Towards Neuro-Inspired Electronic Oscillators Based on The Dynamical Relaying Mechanism

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    Electronic oscillators are used for the generation of both continuous and discrete signals, playing a fundamental role in today’s electronics. In both contexts, these systems require stringent performances such as spectral purity, low phase noise, frequency and temperature stability. In state of the art oscillators the preservation of some of these aspects is jeopardized by specific critical issues, e.g., the sensitivity to load capacitance or the component aging over time. This leaves room for the search of new technologies for their realization. On the other hand, in the last decade electronics has been influenced by a growing number of neuro-inspired mechanisms, which allowed for alternative techniques aimed at solving some classical critical issues.In this paper we present an exploratory study for the development of electronic oscillators based on the neuro-inspired mechanism dynamical relaying, which relies on a structure composed of three delay coupled units (as neurons or even neuron populations) able to resonate and self-organise to generate and maintain a given rhythm with great reliability over a considerable parameter range, showing robustness to noise. We used the recent leaky integrated and fire with latency (LIFL) as neuron model. We have initially developed the mathematical model of the neuro-inspired oscillator, and implemented it using Matlab®; then, we have realized the schematic of such system in PSpice®. Finally, the model has been validated to verify whether it observes the fundamental properties of the dynamical relaying mechanisms described in computational neuroscience studies, and if the circuit implementation presents the same behaviour of the mathematical model.Validation results suggest that the dynamical relaying mechanism can be proficuously taken in consideration as alternative strategy for the design of electronic oscillators

    Relationship between Mathematical Parameters of Modified Van der Pol Oscillator Model and ECG Morphological Features

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    The mathematical model describes the electrical and mechanical activity of the cardiac conduction system thought set of differential equations. By changing the value of parameters included in these equations, it is possible to change the amplitude and the period of ECG waves. Although this model is a powerful tool for modeling the electrical activity of the heart, its use is often limited to those familiar with the differential equations that describe the system. The purpose of this work is to provide a system that allows generating an ECG signal using Ryzhii model without knowing the details of differential equations. First, we provide the relationships between the ECG wave features and the model parameters; then we generalize them through fitting neural networks. Finally, putting in series fitting neural network and heart model, we provide a system that allows generating a synthetic signal by setting as input only the morphological ECG feature. We computed numerical simulation in Simulink environment and implemented the fitting neural networks in Matlab. Results show that non-linear trends characterize the correlation functions between ECG morphological features and model parameters and that the fitting neural networks can generalized this trend by providing the model parameters given in input the respectively ECG feature

    Hardware design of LIF with Latency neuron model with memristive STDP synapses

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    In this paper, the hardware implementation of a neuromorphic system is presented. This system is composed of a Leaky Integrate-and-Fire with Latency (LIFL) neuron and a Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) synapse. LIFL neuron model allows to encode more information than the common Integrate-and-Fire models, typically considered for neuromorphic implementations. In our system LIFL neuron is implemented using CMOS circuits while memristor is used for the implementation of the STDP synapse. A description of the entire circuit is provided. Finally, the capabilities of the proposed architecture have been evaluated by simulating a motif composed of three neurons and two synapses. The simulation results confirm the validity of the proposed system and its suitability for the design of more complex spiking neural network

    towards neuro inspired electronic oscillators based on the dynamical relaying mechanism

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    Electronic oscillators are used for the generation of both continuous and discrete signals, playing a fundamental role in today's electronics. In both contexts, these systems require stringent performances such as spectral purity, low phase noise, frequency and temperature stability. In state of the art oscillators the preservation of some of these aspects is jeopardized by specific critical issues, e.g., the sensitivity to load capacitance or the component aging over time. This leaves room for the search of new technologies for their realization. On the other hand, in the last decade electronics has been influenced by a growing number of neuro-inspired mechanisms, which allowed for alternative techniques aimed at solving some classical critical issues. In this paper we present an exploratory study for the development of electronic oscillators based on the neuro-inspired mechanism dynamical relaying , which relies on a structure composed of three delay coupled units (as neurons or even neuron populations) able to resonate and self-organise to generate and maintain a given rhythm with great reliability over a considerable parameter range, showing robustness to noise . We used the recent leaky integrated and fire with latency (LIFL) as neuron model. We have initially developed the mathematical model of the neuro-inspired oscillator , and implemented it using Matlab®; then, we have realized the schematic of such system in PSpice®. Finally, the model has been validated to verify whether it observes the fundamental properties of the dynamical relaying mechanisms described in computational neuroscience studies, and if the circuit implementation presents the same behaviour of the mathematical model. Validation results suggest that the dynamical relaying mechanism can be proficuously taken in consideration as alternative strategy for the design of electronic oscillators